Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Dorrance Twp. Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, August 12, 2024. Present were Mr. Zane by phone, Mr. Wengrzynek, Mr. Gallagher and Atty. Logsdon.

Mr. Wengrzynek opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and announced the meeting was being recorded.

Mr. Wengrzynek asked if there were any public comments on agenda items only to be voted upon by the Supervisors at this meeting. There were none.

Mr. Gallagher made a motion, seconded by Mr.Wengrzynek to accept the minutes of last month’s regular meeting. All voted aye. Mr. Wengrzynek made a motion to accept the cash report, seconded by Mr. Gallagher. All voted aye. Mr. Gallagher made a motion to pay all bills as presented, seconded by Mr. Wengrzynek. All voted aye.

The zoning report was read. The Planning Commission report was read. The Roadmaster report is on file.

Atty. Logsdon said his conflict that he had with our meetings is done so he should be back at our scheduled meetings going forward. Since he wasn’t planning to attend tonight and it was a last minute decision he will bring his proposed ordinance changes to the next meeting. We will be voting on the Estates at Blue Ridge Trail land development plan tonight. PSATS has very recently announced that websites will need to be ADA compliant and this will be further explained and implemented in the future.

The Fire Co. report was read. The Ambulance report was read. There was no EMA report.

The following announcements were read: The next monthly meeting will be held Monday, September 9, 2024.



NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Wengrzynek made a motion, seconded by Mr. Gallagher to approve the Blue Ridge Estates Land Development/Subdivision application per the Planning Commission recommendation. All third-party approvals and permits have been approved and received per our Township Solicitor and Township Engineer. All voted aye.

Mr. Wengrzynek made a motion, seconded by Mr. Zane to hire Kelly Ann Haffner as Secretary/Treasurer in training at a rate of $20.00 per hour. Mr. Gallagher voted no.

PUBLIC COMMENT: By citizens and taxpayers of Dorrance, on matters not appearing on this agenda, the Supervisors will be available after the meeting to address questions and concerns by citizens and taxpayers. There were none.

Mr. Gallagher made a motion, seconded by Mr. Wengrzynek to adjourn at 7:13 pm. All voted aye.