Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Dorrance Twp. Board of Supervisors was held on Monday, December 9, 2024. Present were Mr. Zane, Mr. Wengrzynek, Mr. Gallagher and Atty. Logsdon.

Mr. Zane opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and announced the meeting was being recorded.

Mr. Zane asked if there were any public comments on agenda items only to be voted upon by the Supervisors at this meeting. There were none.

Mr. Gallagher made a motion, seconded by Mr. Zane to accept the minutes of last month’s regular meeting. All voted aye. Mr. Zane made a motion to accept the cash report, seconded by Mr. Wengrzynek. All voted aye. Mr. Wengrzynek made a motion to pay all bills as presented, seconded by Mr. Gallagher. All voted aye.

The zoning report was read. There was no Planning Commission meeting. The Roadmaster report is on file.

The Fire Co. report was read. The Ambulance report was read

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The following announcements were read: The Annual Reorganization meeting and the regular monthly meeting will be held January 6, 2025 at 7pm. The auditors will reorganize on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 6:30pm.

The township is in need of a planning commission member to fill the position that was held by George Rusczyk for over 20-years. Anyone interested should submit a letter of interest to the Supervisors or Secretary.

CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from William Brior from Brior Environmental Services, Inc., thanking us for allowing him to serve as Primary Sewage Enforcement Officer for 2024 and asking to be considered to serve again in 2025. He asks that you also consider re-appointing Robert Fugate as Alternate. It is always a pleasure to work in Dorrance Twp. Our 2025 rates are enclosed. Thank you for your consideration. Rob and I look forward to serving your Municipality in 2025.

A letter of resignation was received from Township Secretary/Treasurer, Alternate Zoning Officer, Pension Chief Administrative Officer, Right to Know Officer and Planning Commission Recording Secretary, Pat Davis effective January 31, 2025. It has been a rewarding 15 years serving the residents of Dorrance Twp.

I am most proud of the $1,598,454 in grants I was able to obtain for the Township. Grants that were used for paving, tar & chip projects, Tropical Storm Lee & Irene Road repairs, 2 freightliner trucks, a skid steer, a mini paver, backhoe, Ford F550, covid relief funds and the project closest to my heart after becoming a grandmother was new playground equipment and a resurface and upgrade to the basketball and tennis courts.

I am looking forward to retirement and my next chapter in life and my one request from the Township is that I have yearly spring cleanup participation rights. Thank you.

A motion was by Mr. Wengrzynek and seconded by Mr. Gallagher to accept the resignation letter. All voted aye.


NEW BUSINESS: A motion to adopt resolution #2 of 2024 the annual budget. Total revenue $687,181.00. Total expenditures $687.181.00. There is no tax increase. Millage will remain at 0.75.

Supervisor, Kevin Gallagher announced the passing of long-time planning commissioner member, George Rusczyk. He is a tremendous loss as a friend and a member of our community. A moment of silence was observed.

PUBLIC COMMENT: By citizens and taxpayers of Dorrance, on matters not appearing on this agenda, the Supervisors will be available after the meeting to address questions and concerns by citizens and taxpayers.

Dave Greene, of Blue Ridge Trail, asked if the road department could address the pot-holes on Sunset & Acher Road where the pavement meets the dirt.

Attorney Logsdon told the public we have a great planning commission and anyone interested in applying for the vacant planning commission seat does not have to have prior zoning experience.

A Motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Gallagher and seconded by Mr. Zane. All voted aye. Meeting adjourned at 7:25.