Agenda and Dorrance Twp. Reorganization Meeting

Dorrance Twp. Reorganization Meeting – January 6, 2025

Mr. Zane will open the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public comments from the Floor on Reorganization items only.

Motion to appoint Kelly Haffner as temporary secretary: 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to appoint Bill Wengrzynek as temporary chairman: 1st____2nd____vote:

Temporary chairman will now ask for nomination for Chairman for 2025: ________________ 1st____2nd____ vote:

Chairman assumes the chair and conducts the remainder of the meeting.

Chairman: I need a nomination for Vice Chairman of the Board of Supervisors: ________________ 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to appoint Kelly Haffner as Secretary/Treasurer for 2025: 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to obtain Treasurer’s bond with DGK, Inc. for 800,000.00. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Todd Badman as Roadmaster for 2025: 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Donald G. Karpowich Law Office as township solicitor at a rate of $135.00 per hour. 1st_____2nd_____vote:

Motion to reappoint Donald G. Karpowich Law Office as solicitor to the planning commission at a rate of $135.00 per hour. 1st_____2nd_____vote:

Motion to appoint Kelly Haffner as recording secretary to the planning commission at a rate of $100 per meeting. 1st____2nd____ vote:

Motion to reappoint Brior Environmental, William Brior as sewage enforcement officer. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Robert Fugate as alternate sewage enforcement officer: 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Barry Isett & Associates, Criterium-Peter Engineers, Larry Frace Inspections, LLC, as PA Uniform Construction Code building permit and code enforcement agencies. Ken Fenstermacher is BCO. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Barry Isett & Associates for zoning, code enforcement and floodplain management services at a cost of $75.00 per hour on an as needed basis. 1st____2nd____ vote:

Motion to reappoint Kevin Gallagher as overseer of roads. 1st____2nd____ vote:

Motion to reappoint Bill Wengrzynek and Gary Zane to the Mountaintop Area Council of governments. 1st____2nd____ vote:

Motion to reappoint Pennoni Associates as township engineer on an as needed basis: 1st____2nd____ vote: Motion to reappoint Barry Isett & Associates as alternate engineer: 1st____2nd____ vote:

Motion to approve the following wages effective January 1st:

Road Department: Christopher Anthony $24.15 per hour, Terry Faux $24.15 per hour, Roadmaster Todd Badman: $25.40 per hour. Secretary/Treasurer – $40,500 annually. John Wengrzynek $17.00 per hour Grounds maintenance as needed. 1st____2nd____ vote:

Motion to require employees on an individual medical insurance plan to contribute 1% to their medical insurance cost, employees on a 2 person plan to contribute 3% and employees on a family plan to contribute 5% to their plan effective January 1, 2025. Deductible will remain $1500. The amount will be collected thru payroll deduction. If an employee does not enroll in the Township health insurance plan they will be paid one half of the cost of an individual plan minus the employee contribution amount. It will be paid thru payroll the last pay period in June and December. Vision and dental insurance are paid by the Township. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to appoint Kindra Kowalski as EMA coordinator. 1st____2nd____ vote:

Motion to reappoint Gwen Sakowski as auditor. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Dorrine Engler as auditor. 1st____2nd____vote:

Township auditors are reorganizing tomorrow at 6:30 P.M. and will set supervisors hourly rate if working on township business.

Motion to reappoint William Heller as Vacancy Board member. 1st____ 2nd____ vote:

Motion to reappoint Tony McDonald as legal counsel to the Zoning Hearing Board on an as needed basis at a rate of $125.00 per hour. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint James Brando to the Zoning Hearing Board for a 3-year term. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Dale Ann Buchanan to the Zoning Hearing Board for a 3-year term. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Dave Greene as Alternate to the Zoning Hearing Board for a one-year term. 1st____2nd____vote:

Motion to reappoint Kevin Gallagher to the Planning Commission for a one-year term. 1st____ 2nd____vote:

Meeting Agenda





Chair announces that the meeting is being recorded.

CALL TO ORDER: Zane____Wengrzynek____Gallagher____Atty. Logsdon____

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: Comments from the floor on agenda items only which will be voted upon by the Supervisors at this meeting.

Motion to accept the minutes of last month’s regular meeting: 1st____2nd____Vote: Zane____,Wengrzynek____,Gallagher____.

Motion to accept cash report: 1st____2nd____Vote: Zane_____, Wengrzynek____, Gallagher____.

Motion to pay all bills as presented: 1st____2nd____Vote: Zane____,Wengrzynek____,Gallagher____.

REPORTS: Zoning Fire Co.

Planning Commission Ambulance/EMA Solicitor

ANNOUNCEMENTS: The next monthly meeting will be held February 10, 2025.

CORRESPONDENCE: A letter of interest was received from David Greene, Blue Ridge Trail expressing interest and willingness to serve on the planning commission. “I have been a resident of Dorrance for over 10 years and a US Navy Veteran and as such I would like to serve my community.”

A letter of interest was received from Tom Bukowski, Creek Road expressing his interested to serve on the planning commission. “As a 20+ year resident of our wonderful township I would be honored to serve and help the community in any way I can. I’m a Dorrance Twp. small business owner, US Veteran, creator/admin of the Facebook Dorrance Township Community group, created to help local churches, fire companies and to provide for the good of the community in general.”

A letter of interest was received from Roger Schwartz expressing interest to serve on the planning commission. “I saw your notice in the Mountain Top Eagle that Dorrance Twp was looking for someone to fill in the position of Planning Commission Member. I am applying for that position. I have lived in Mountain top for 36 years & in Dorrance Twp for 12-years now. I’m attaching a short copy of my Resume. I can provide a much longer copy, should you need it to make a decision on my application.”

A letter was received from Peters Consultants – “we would appreciate the townships consideration of our firm to provide engineering services on a project-to-project basis. A rate schedule for 2025 is included.”

A letter was received from Barry Isett & Assoc. thanking us for having them as alternate engineer and would like to continue to provide services as needed. A 2025 rate schedule is provided.

A letter was received from Pennoni Associates Inc., stating its been a pleasure serving as the Township engineer from 2011 to present. A 2025 rate schedule is provided. “If you find this satisfactory and acceptable, please sign the 2025 agreement.

A letter was received from Breezeline to all residential customers outlining upcoming price changes. The adjustments will go into effect starting February 1, 2025.


NEW BUSINESS: A motion to remove Patrica A Davis as check signer at First Keystone Bank, First National Bank and cancel the First National Bank Visa credit card.

1st ___2nd___Vote: Zane___, Wengrzynek___, Gallagher___.

A motion to add Kelly Haffner as check signer at First Keystone Bank, First National Bank and apply for a First National Bank Visa credit card.

1st ___2nd___Vote: Zane___, Wengrzynek___, Gallagher___.

A motion to appoint Kelly Haffner as Pension Chief- Administrative Officer & Right to Know Officer.

1st ___2nd___Vote: Zane___, Wengrzynek___, Gallagher___.

A motion to approve the Rusczyk minor subdivision per the planning commission recommendation. County comments were reviewed, addressed, and corrected. No waivers are requested. The purpose of the subdivision was to move acreage, differently into 3-exisiting parcels.

1st ___2nd___Vote: Zane___, Wengrzynek___, Gallagher___.

A motion to hire Grevera & Associates, Certified Public Accountants to complete the 2024 audit in place of the elected auditors at a cost of $3,860.00.

1st ___2nd___Vote: Zane___, Wengrzynek___, Gallagher___.

PUBLIC COMMENT: By Citizens and Taxpayers of Dorrance, on matters not appearing on this agenda, the Supervisors will be available after the meeting to address questions and concerns by Citizens and Taxpayers.

Motion to adjourn by___________. Meeting adjourned at__________.